TS Polycet (Polytechnic) 2018 Previous Question Paper with Answers And Model Papers With Complete Analysis

Q). Least distance of distinct vision for normal eye is
A) 15 cm
B) 25 cm
C) 30 cm
D) 35 cm

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B) 25 cm

Q). Which lens is used to correct Myopia?
A) Convex
B) Concave
C) Cylindrical
D) None

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B) Concave

Q). Splitting of light into seven colours is called
A) Refraction
B) Reflection
C) Dispersion
D) Scattering

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C) Dispersion

Q). A prism with an angle of A = 60° produces a minimum deviation of30°. The refractive index of the material of the prism is
A) √2
B) 2
C) √3
D) 2 √2

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A) √2
Explanation: \mu\;=\;\frac{\sin\left({\displaystyle\frac{A+D}2}\right)}{\sin\left({\displaystyle\frac A2}\right)}\;=\;\frac{\sin\left({\displaystyle\frac{60+30}2}\right)}{\sin\left({\displaystyle\frac{60}2}\right)}
\frac{\sin\left(45^\circ\right)}{\sin\left(30^\circ\right)}=\frac{\displaystyle\frac1{\sqrt2}}{\displaystyle\frac12} = √2
∴ µ = √2

Q). Raman effect is related to which phenomenon of light?
A) Refraction
B) Reflection
C) Dispersion
D) Scattering

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D) Scattering

Q). Rainbow is formed due to……….. of light.
A) Refraction
B) Dispersion
C) Total internal reflection
D) All the above

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B) Dispersion
D) All the above

Q). S.I. unit of Electric current.
A) Volt
B) Ampere
C) Watt
D) Ohm

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B) Ampere

Q). Find the effective resistance of the combination between A and B.

A) (20/3)Ω
B) 20Ω
C) 10Ω
D) (3/20)Ω

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A) (20/3)Ω
Explanation: R1 = 2 + 8 = 10Ω
R2 = 6+ 14 = 20Ω
Effective resistance of the combination between A and B is
\frac1R=\frac3{20}\Rightarrow R\;=\frac{20}3\Omega

Q). Drift speed of electrons in an electric conductor is
A) 7 mm/s
B) 70 mm/s
C) 0.07 mm/s
D) None

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C) 0.07 mm/s

Q). The resistance of conductor depends on
A) length of conductor
B) area of cross section of conductor
C) nature of the substance of conductor
D) all the above

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D) all the above

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