TS Polycet (Polytechnic) 2019 Previous Question Paper with Answers And Model Papers With Complete Analysis

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Section – II

Q). The size of the image formed by a convex mirror is always
A) Enlarged
B) Diminished
C) Equal to the size of the object
D) None

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B) Diminished

Q). The mirror used by a dentist is
A) Convex
B) Plane
C) Concave
D) None

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C) Concave

Q). Diminished image is formed with a concave mirror when the object is placed
A) at focus
B) at centre of curvature
C) between pole and focus
D) beyond centre of curvature

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D) beyond centre of curvature

Q). A straight line passes through the centre of curvature and pole of the convex mirror is called…………
A) Parallel axis
B) Perpendicular axis
C) Principal axis
D) None

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C) Principal axis

Q). Every lens has……………….focal points.
A) 2
B) 4
C) 6
D) 8

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A) 2

Q). The image of an object placed at infinity before a convex lens is formed
A) at focus
B) at centre of curvature
C) at infinity
D) none of the above

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A) at focus

Q). The power of a lens is
A) D = \frac1{f_{cm}}
B) D = \frac{100}{f_{cm}}

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B) D = \frac{100}{f_{cm}}

Q). Which of the following is correct equation?
A) n = \frac{\sin\left({\displaystyle\frac{A+D}2}\right)}{\sin\left(A/2\right)}

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A) n = \frac{\sin\left({\displaystyle\frac{A+D}2}\right)}{\sin\left(A/2\right)}

Q). The defect of the eye caused by old age is
A) Colour blindness
B) Myopia
C) Hypermetropia
D) Presbyopia

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D) Presbyopia

Q). The ability of eye lens to change its focal length is called……………………….
A) focal length of a lens
B) focus of a lens
C) magnification of a lens
D) accommodation of lens

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D) accommodation of lens

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