TS Polycet (Polytechnic) 2020 Previous Question Paper with Answers And Model Papers With Complete Analysis

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Q) In which organ formation of urea takes place?
A) Kidney
B) Lungs
C) Liver
D) Intestine

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C) Liver

Q) Which part of the brain is concern with coughing and sneezing?
A) Cerebrum
B) Cerebellum
C) Diencephalon
D) Medulla

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D) Medulla

Q) Sustainable development means
A) Prevention of wastage
B) Stable growth
C) Development without damaging
D) High yielding in less time

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C) Development without damaging

Q) Mountain top removal mining (MTR-Mountain Top Removal), devastate.
A) Biome
B) Environment
C) Lithosphere
D) Hydrosphere

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B) Environment

Q) “Survival of fittest” is associated with
A) Darwin
B) August Weismann
C) Lamarck
D) Mendel

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A) Darwin

Q) The concept of Ecological pyramid was first introduced by _________
A) Slobodkin
B) Charles Elton
C) Lindeman
D) Steele

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B) Charles Elton

Q) Among the following pairs, which one is a mismatched pair?
A) Rabbit – Primary consumer
B) Plant – Producer
C) Lion – Carnivore
D) Giraffe – Secondary consumer

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D) Giraffe – Secondary consumer

Q) How much of energy is stored in one ATP molecule?
A) 10,200 Calories
B) 1,200 Calories
C) 7,200 Calories
D) 15,200 Calories

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C) 7,200 Calories

Q) What is the yellowish straw colored fluid that oozes out after the blood clots?
A) Serum
B) Plasma
C) Water
D) Urine

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A) Serum

Q) Doctors use which device to measure blood pressure?
A) Sphygmomanometer
B) Thermometer
C) Telescope
D) Stethoscope

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A) Sphygmomanometer
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