Q)Which of the following features was borrowed by the framers of the Constitution from U.S constitution?
A)Fundamental rights
B)Removal of Judges of the Supreme Court
C)Judicial Review
D)All the above
Q)The constitution of India describes India as
A)A Federation of States and Union Territories
B)Quasi – federal
C)A Union of States
D)Partly unitary and partly federal
Q)Which article deals with rights of citizenship of certain Migrants from Pakistan?
A)Article 6
B)Article 7
C)Article 8
D)Article 9
Q)The Directive principles of State policy are contained in
A)Part III of the constitution
B)Part IV of the constitution
C)Schedule VII of the constitution
D)All the above
Q)Which schedule deals with territories of 28 states and 7 Union territories?
A)First schedule
B)Second schedule
C)Third schedule
D)Fourth schedule